Investing in the Tools to Win!

Conservatives like Doug Ford are working hard to dismantle our city. And at City Hall, nearly 2,000 paid lobbyists have been working to influence decision-making at City Hall [1] - motivated by whatever is in the best interest of their clients’ bottom line, not the public good.

At Progress Toronto, we are investing in empowering people so we can go toe-to-toe with the Doug Ford and special interests at City Hall. We need your help to fund the tools to organize and win. We’ve broken the costs down for you below.

If just 317 people each chip in $10/month, we can pay for the tools we need to campaign effectively, hold politicians accountable, put people in touch with their elected representatives, and build progressive power across Toronto.

Will you give $10/month today to join us as a Core Funder and help cover the costs of the Tools to Win?

If you can’t give monthly, please consider a one-time contribution to help us pay for the Tools to Win.

We’ve broken the costs down for you below, so you can see clearly where your donation goes. These core costs do not include our rent or staff team.

Monthly Costs Broken Down

Here’s what we need to do our work every month:  

  • Advocacy tools to help make it easier for you to have your voice heard by elected representatives: $813/month or $9,756/year.

    • One-Click Email Tool that helps people send messages and petitions directly to their own local politicians

    • One-Click-Call Tool that helps people get instantly patched through to key politicians’ offices and provides suggested messages to make calling less intimidating

    • Twitter Storm Tool that helps people tweet directly at their local politicians at key moments in campaigns

  • Website to have a platform where people can engage and take action:  $35/month or $420/year

  • Sophisticated email tool to keep our supporters up to date, help you take action, and send emails on the issues you care about: $336/month or $4,032/year

  • Database application to track supporters, donors, and volunteers. And to have integrated online forms and tools to run our campaigns: estimated at $1,000/month or $12,000/year

  • Phone call and texting tool that allows us to run phone banks from anywhere in the city and to text supporters and volunteers: $300/month or $3,600/year

  • Design tools so we can make shareable images, videos, flyers, postcards, and other online and offline materials to support our campaigns: $108/month or $1300/year

  • Photocopier and printer so we can print flyers and other materials in-house to support our campaigns: $300/month or $3,600/year

  • Old fashioned phones, and internet so we can run modern phone banks and call people across the city: $230/month or $2,963/year

  • Survey tools so we can hear from people on campaigns, priorities, and planning for the year ahead: $34/month or $408/year

All of this comes to $3,173.25 per month in organizing costs. Chip in $10/month today or make a one-time donation to help us fund our core organizing activities!

If you’d like to mail us a cheque they can be made out to “Progress Toronto” and you can send it here:

Progress Toronto
202-1179 King Street West
Toronto, ON
M6K 3C5

If you have any questions please email


[1] Annual Report of the Office of the Lobbyist Registrar (TABLE 1, page 14)