Flyer for Fair Play

A report from the City’s Integrity Commission found that Councillor Frances Nunziata (York South—Weston) and Councillor Brad Bradford (Beaches—East York) inappropriately used contact information of residents during their election campaigns. On July 24 2024, City Council voted unanimously to reprimand both the councillors for breaching council's code of conduct.

The report found that Nunziata misused up thousands of constituents' emails during the 2022 municipal election, in which she narrowly beat progressive challenger Chiara Padovani. While Bradford misused the contact information of up to 10,000 constituents in the 2023 mayoral by-election.

This is unfair to constituents—that’s why we are dropping flyers at their doors to let them know what happened. 

Help deliver accountability flyers to let voters know their City Councillor misused confidential information and broke the rules. Sign up for a flyering event:

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Thank you to the volunteers that dropped thousands of accountability flyers in York South—Weston and Beaches—East York!

We are no longer flyering for this campaign.

If you would like to volunteer for Progress Toronto on our other campaigns, please fill out this form. An Organizer will reach out soon.