Sign the Petition: Stand Up For Our City

On the heels of the historic election of new and diverse progressive voices to city hall, Mayor John Tory is working closely with Doug Ford to pass a disturbingly undemocratic power grab that allows the Mayor to win votes with the support of only a third of city councillors. Use our tool to send a message to your local politicians and the mayor, to stop Doug Ford and Mayor Tory from taking away your democratic power.

You know that most basic democratic principle of majority rule (50% +1)? It would no longer apply to the Mayor. A large majority of city councillors could oppose the Mayor and his motions would still pass.

We need our elected officials to fix Toronto and build a city for all. After more than a decade of starved city services and a lack of bold leadership on housing and transit, our city is at a breaking point.

To fix Toronto, we need to include the voices of people. We need to make sure your voice counts. When your councillor’s vote matters, your voice matters. Over the years our campaigns have proven that when you take action alongside thousands of people, you can convince your local councillor to vote better. This move to take away your local councillor’s voting power, takes power away from you — it cuts people out of decision making.

“This legislation is a shameful act committed by shameless people looking to disregard the will of Toronto’s people. It wounds the incoming council, insults the voters of Toronto who just elected that council, and strikes another blow against the already endangered concept of local democracy.”
- Edward Keenan, Toronto Star, November 16 2022

About Bill 39

November 16, 2022 people were surprised to learn that Mayor John Tory had requested the power to pass votes with only the support of 1/3 of city councillors. This is being put forward at Queen’s Park through Bill 39 which you can read here.

Edward Keenan from the Toronto Star calls this a “a shameful act committed by shameless people.” He says Bill 39 makes the mayor “close to a dictator. And it’s a disembowelling of Toronto’s local democracy”

What City Councillors Are Saying

A number of City Councillors have expressed their opposition in the media and posted their own statements. Below you’ll find statements from newly elected Progressive Councillors.