Phone Bank for Affordable Housing

The 2022 City Budget will be coming out in January and Toronto needs to invest in affordable and supportive housing. Developers continue to make record breaking profits while our housing and homelessness crisis gets worse. It’s time for City Council to prioritize affordability and take bold action on housing.

Join a phone bank and help as many people as possible to take action on the housing crisis.

Sign up to join!

What: Phone Bank for Action on Affordable Housing
When: December 20, 2021 - 5:30PM-8:30PM
Where: Comfort of your own home!

Never phone canvassed before? Don’t worry! We will give you support, training, and a script to use when you make calls!

Phone banks will be remote as we take necessary precautions to keep everyone safe during the COVID-19 pandemic. Once you sign up, you will receive an email with instructions so you can phone bank with us! Remember to always phone from a quiet place.

Will you join us? RSVP using this form.