Progress Toronto

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What Premier Ford means for Toronto

It happened.

Doug Ford is Premier of Ontario and, like us, you’re probably not feeling so great today.

We have work to do. Premier Ford means our 2018 city council and school board elections are more important than ever. Will you commit to voting for progress in Toronto’s elections this fall?

Make no mistake: Doug Ford will have his eyes on electing conservative candidates to city hall and the school board in Toronto.

But the silver lining of last night's election results is that Progressives won in Toronto.

Over 738,000 of the votes cast in Toronto were votes against Doug Ford. That means 2 in 3 Torontonians voted for someone other than Doug. More than 400,000 people voted for the NDP, more than 287,000 for the Liberals, and 33,000 for the Greens. Ford received little more than 359,000 votes.

If we band together we can elect more progressive champions for our city than ever before to protect us from what Doug Ford has planned for Toronto.

Experience under the Fords gives us an idea of what Doug might do to our city: 

  • Get rid of inclusionary zoning and investments in affordable housing

  • Encourage carding and racist policing

  • Cut funding for transit and active transportation like cycling

  • Sell-off community housing, seniors homes, schools, and child care centres

  • Get rid of harm reduction programs that save lives

  • Privatize our public services and sell off our public assets

  • Increase user fees and cut programming in our community centres

  • End meaningful action on climate change

  • Starve Toronto of it’s taxing powers to try to force service cuts

  • Cut library funding

And unfortunately so much more.

Invite your friends to commit to electing a progressive city council and school board. Invite them to sign on here:

Over the coming weeks and months we will:

  • Build our progressive voting bloc in the city - starting with you!

  • Survey you to help define our top priorities going into this election

  • Determine the wards we will focus on and launch our process for choosing registered candidates

  • Choose the progressive candidates we’ll be supporting after the City’s candidate registration closes this summer

More to come soon!