Phone Bank for a Vacant Homes Tax!

In December, Toronto City Councillors will be voting on whether or not to use one of the many tools we can use to address our City’s housing crisis: implementing a Vacant Homes Tax.

The vote may be close, so we’re ramping up our campaign and need your help in the coming weeks to phone people and help them take action. COVID-19 has deepened Toronto’s housing crisis and City Councillors urgently need to hear from us so they feel public pressure to support a Vacant Homes Tax. Learn more about the issue and take action here.

Sign up to join!

What: Phone Bank for a Vacant Homes Tax
When: 5:30PM-8:30PM (multiple dates)
Where: Comfort of your own home!

Never phone canvassed before? Don’t worry! We will give you support, training, and a script to use when you make calls!

Phone banks will be remote as we take necessary precautions to keep everyone safe during the COVID-19 pandemic. Once you sign up, you will receive an email with instructions so you can phone bank with us! People from across the city will be phoning at the same time from their homes and we will still be able to help move people to action and pressure City Councillors and the Mayor to implement a Vacant Homes Tax. Remember to always phone from a quiet place!

Will you join us? RSVP using this form.