Phone Zap for Our City

Together we will phone our local politicians and stand up for Toronto

On the heels of the historic election of new and diverse progressive voices to city hall, Mayor John Tory is working closely with Doug Ford to pass a disturbingly undemocratic power grab (Bill 39) that allows the mayor to win votes with the support of only a third of city councillors. Learn more here.

6,000 people signed our petition and hundreds joined us at City Council last week demanding that councillors and the mayor stand up for our city. The pressure is building but we need to do more.

Join us on Wednesday, Nov 30 at 12pm and together we will call each of our own local politicians and the mayor. They need to hear from you, their constituent, to know that you are urging them to stand up for our city and local democracy against Bill 39.

Sign up to join!

What: Phone Zap for Our City
Where: Comfort of your own home on Zoom
When: Wednesday, Nov 30
Time: 12pm-1pm

Never phone zapped before? Don’t worry! We will give you support, training, and a script to use when you make calls!

Once you sign up, you will receive an email with instructions so you can phone zap with us!

Will you join us? RSVP using this form.